Would You Buy a Goat?
$25 can buy you a bottle of vodka, a bunch of flowers, half a ticket to a concert or a pizza meal-deal OR it can buy one goat and the right for one girl to have the freedom control her own body.
$50 buys one very good quality goat and months of feed for it and it is delivered to a family in Africa who has formally agreed not to ‘cut’ their young daughters.
One goat not only gives the family milk, but it also allows the growth of vegetables, breeding options, a small income, but most importantly saves a beautiful young girl from a life of infections and pain.
Please buy a goat…
Donations over $2 are fully tax deductible in Australia.
Please contact us…
Media or Sponsorship Contact details:
The Rights of Girls Initiative Ltd
GPO Box 2997
Sydney 2001
The Rights of Girls Initiative Ltd is an ASIC registered Not for Profit Public Company.
ACN 159720779
ABN 62159720779
Charitable Fundraising Approval: CFN22530 and has ATO endorsement as a TCC-CI

Toni Fitzgerald
02 8003 4465

Kadiatou (Kadi) Tangara
Réseau de Développement et d’Appui aux Initiatives Communautaires (RDIC)
Mali, West Africa